Harry de Rooij bezocht met zijn moeder op 21 juni 2023 het Watergraafsmeermuseum. Ze waren zeer geinteresseerd in de geschiedenis en de foto’s van de WGM, maar vooral natuurlijk in die van de firma de Rooij! Het was een leuke ontmoeting!
Jo Haen
Jacob de Rooy en Elisabeth de Rooy van wiltenburg waren mijn opa en oma . Ik heb zenooit ontmoet daar ze jong overleden zijn. Mijn moeder was op haar 10de wees.
Oom Niek en tante Bets van wiltenburg heb ik wel gekend
In 1999 Harry de Rooy came to the Reaumurstraat 21, he was retired and was a builder in Australia if I remember correctly. He lived in our house. We invited him in and showed him around the house he had lived in. You told us about how the house used to be, your family.
We gave you a picture of our street from 1913.
When you went back to Australia you sent us a calendar from WA. Hope you are keeping well.
Mijn naam is Esther de Rooij. Mijn opa is Johannes (Jan) de Rooij die links staat op de foto met de vrachtwagen. Helaas heb ik zowel mijn opa en oma niet gekend. Mijn vader is Jan de Rooij.
In the picture (uit 1936 Reaumurstraat 21) is also my fathers uncle, I think it is Dirk van Wiltenburg. He had a business in 23 and used the ground floor as a workshop. He did not use the second level so they put a door from 21 through to 23 upstairs and the De Rooy’s used the rooms as they had 13 children living there!!
In 1999 I think it was a Harry de Rooy came to the Reaumurstraat, he was retired and was a builder in Australisa if I remember correctly. He lived in our house. We invited him in and showed the house he had lived in. We gave you a picture our street to him from 1913.
I was born in Australia in 1959. The truck was from my Opa Jacob. The business was close by somewhere but I am not sure exactly.
Opa died in 1935 and Oma in 1938. 6 of the children then had to go to an orphanage.
5 of the brothers came to Australia in early 1950’s. One Ap then later went to South Africa.
Opa and Oma had 13 children. In the photo were 8 of the youngest. I will try to name them. I know that Trususe is the oldest girl she has Nicolaas on her lap, Harry has Roelof on his lap. Some of the other girls are Bep, Jeanne, Ali, Murry..
Thats all l know. Missing from the children is Jan, Cor, Ap and Jaap. Harry de Rooy
When trying to find some information on my family history I came across your site.
My father Roelof de Rooij was born in 1930 at Reaumurstraat No 21. He was the 12th of 13 children born to Jacob and Elisabeth de Rooij, my Opa and Oma.
It was nice to see the advertisement for the family business, which the brothers took over following the death of Jacob in 1935.
I have attached a couple of pictures, one of Uncle Jan and Uncle Jaap with my Opa’s truck, probably around 1933.
The other picture is of children sitting in front of No21 which must have been around 1933. In this picture are 8 De Rooij children and others from the neighbourhood.
I hope you find these old pictures useful.
Regards from Australia
Harry de Rooy
N.B. De foto’s staan hierboven. (Jo Haen, beheerder)
Harry de Rooij bezocht met zijn moeder op 21 juni 2023 het Watergraafsmeermuseum. Ze waren zeer geinteresseerd in de geschiedenis en de foto’s van de WGM, maar vooral natuurlijk in die van de firma de Rooij! Het was een leuke ontmoeting!
Jo Haen
af en toe als het kolenhok op zolder leeg was moest ik van mijn moeder een zakje eierenkolen halen bij de dijk !!! mooie herinneringen zijn dat !!
Jacob de Rooy en Elisabeth de Rooy van wiltenburg waren mijn opa en oma . Ik heb zenooit ontmoet daar ze jong overleden zijn. Mijn moeder was op haar 10de wees.
Oom Niek en tante Bets van wiltenburg heb ik wel gekend
Elisabeth de Rooy was the sister of Nico van Wiltenburg, Nico was married with Bets Müller, my fathers sister.
Hi Harry,
In 1999 Harry de Rooy came to the Reaumurstraat 21, he was retired and was a builder in Australia if I remember correctly. He lived in our house. We invited him in and showed him around the house he had lived in. You told us about how the house used to be, your family.
We gave you a picture of our street from 1913.
When you went back to Australia you sent us a calendar from WA. Hope you are keeping well.
Take care,
All the best,
Mijn naam is Esther de Rooij. Mijn opa is Johannes (Jan) de Rooij die links staat op de foto met de vrachtwagen. Helaas heb ik zowel mijn opa en oma niet gekend. Mijn vader is Jan de Rooij.
In the picture (uit 1936 Reaumurstraat 21) is also my fathers uncle, I think it is Dirk van Wiltenburg. He had a business in 23 and used the ground floor as a workshop. He did not use the second level so they put a door from 21 through to 23 upstairs and the De Rooy’s used the rooms as they had 13 children living there!!
Harry de Rooij
Op de foto met de vrachtwagen staat in het midden mijn vader, Alwin Müller; hij was toen ca. 19.
De plek waar De Rooy z’n kolenhandel had. Tussen de Von Liebigweg en de schooltuinen aan de Kruislaan.
Alwin Müller
Hi Harry,
In 1999 I think it was a Harry de Rooy came to the Reaumurstraat, he was retired and was a builder in Australisa if I remember correctly. He lived in our house. We invited him in and showed the house he had lived in. We gave you a picture our street to him from 1913.
All the best,
I was born in Australia in 1959. The truck was from my Opa Jacob. The business was close by somewhere but I am not sure exactly.
Opa died in 1935 and Oma in 1938. 6 of the children then had to go to an orphanage.
5 of the brothers came to Australia in early 1950’s. One Ap then later went to South Africa.
Opa and Oma had 13 children. In the photo were 8 of the youngest. I will try to name them. I know that Trususe is the oldest girl she has Nicolaas on her lap, Harry has Roelof on his lap. Some of the other girls are Bep, Jeanne, Ali, Murry..
Thats all l know. Missing from the children is Jan, Cor, Ap and Jaap.
Harry de Rooy
My name is Harry de Rooy, I am from Australia.
When trying to find some information on my family history I came across your site.
My father Roelof de Rooij was born in 1930 at Reaumurstraat No 21. He was the 12th of 13 children born to Jacob and Elisabeth de Rooij, my Opa and Oma.
It was nice to see the advertisement for the family business, which the brothers took over following the death of Jacob in 1935.
I have attached a couple of pictures, one of Uncle Jan and Uncle Jaap with my Opa’s truck, probably around 1933.
The other picture is of children sitting in front of No21 which must have been around 1933. In this picture are 8 De Rooij children and others from the neighbourhood.
I hope you find these old pictures useful.
Regards from Australia
Harry de Rooy
N.B. De foto’s staan hierboven. (Jo Haen, beheerder)
Reaumurstraat 21
► Wat de Rooij Verkoopt-Verwarmt-Verrukkelijk-Vandaar-Voordelig-Voor-U
Verhuizingen – Onder volle garantie – vraagt prijs Gebroeders de Rooij. (1937)
Bron: Jan van Deudekom